Black Sea Bass season opens May 18, 2020 and closes Sept. 8, 2020.
Minimum size is 15" and limit of 5 fish per angler.
Effective May 1, 2020:
Recreational anglers fishing from shore or a private vessel are limited to harvesting and possessing 3 bluefish per day.
Recreational anglers fishing from a for-hire vessel during a for-hire trip are limited to harvesting and possessing 5 bluefish per day.
These regulations reduce the recreational bluefish possession limit from 10 fish for all anglers to either 3 or 5 fish depending on fishing mode. This action is consistent with decisions of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission to reduce coastwide harvest in 2020 so as to not exceed the recreational harvest limit. Massachusetts’ recreational bluefish season remains open year-round, with no restriction on the size of bluefish that may be retained.
Cod, North of Cape Cod season open only Sept 15, 2020 to Sept. Sept. 30, 2020.Limit 1 Fish
Cod. South of Cape Cod, season is open all year. Minimum size 21" and a limit of 10 Fish.
Fluke, Season opens May 23, 2020 and closes Oct 9, 2020.
Minimum size is 17" and a limit of 5 fish per angler.
Haddock, North of Cape Cod, season opens May 1, 2020. Minimum size 17" and a limit of 15 Fish per angler
Haddock. South of Cape Cod, season is open all year. Minimum size 18" and no limit.
Winter Flounder, North of Cape Cod, season is open all year. Minimum size 12" and a limit of 8 Fish per angler
Winter Flounder. South of Cape Cod, season opens March 1, 2020. Minimum size 12" and a limit of 2 Fish per angler
Tautog, Season Opens April 1, 2020 to May 31, 2020. Minimum size 16" and a limit of 3 fish per angler.
Tautog, Season Opens June 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020. Minimum size 16" and a limit of 1 fish per angler.
Tautog, Season Opens August 1, 2020 to October 14, 2020. Minimum size 16" and a limit of 3 fish per angler.
Tautog, Season Opens October 15, 2020 to Dec. 31, 2020. Minimum size 16" and a limit of 5 fish per angler.
Striped Bass, Season open year round, Size requirements 28" to <35" and a limit of 1 fish per angler. If you are chunk bait fishing or live bait fishing you are required to use circle hooks. No gaffs should be used. New in 2020!
Scup, private, Season is open all year, Minimum size is 9", 30 fish per angler not to exceed 150 per vessel.
Scup, For Hire, Season opens January 1, 2020 to April 30, 2020. Minimum size 9" and a limit of 30 fish per angler.
Scup, For Hire, Season opens May 1, 2020 to June 30, 2020. Minimum size 9" and a limit of 50 fish per angler.
Scup, For Hire, Season opens July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Minimum size 9" and a limit of 30 fish per angler.
The Fish Bandit promotes catch and release so our grandkids can enjoy the fisheries in the future.